- If the BBC micro:bit is powered via its USB connector, there will be no power at the 3.3V terminal block output connections – this is to provide some overcurrent protection for the BBC micro:bit.MUST NOT exceed the rated supply of 3.3V for the BBC micro:bit. The board has no voltage regulator, or overvoltage protection, so the supply voltage Power is provided via the input terminal block. It features a terminal block breakout point for each BBC micro:bit IO pin, a switch-controlled input power terminal block, two output power terminal blocks (fed through power from the switched input) and Link compatible connections for other BBC micro:bit accessory boards. And, if you need to move your project for any reason, having the wires screwed in place means that you can do it without having to deal with the jumper connections that didn't survive the move. Just cut a length of wire from one of your more tidy spools, strip off a bit of shielding and screw it into place in the appropriate terminal block. No more untangling M/M or M/F jumper cables from the hastily tidied collection stashed in the corner of your drawer. It breaks out all of the signal and power pins on the microbit to user friendly terminal blocks. The Terminal Breakout board for the BBC microbit does exactly what it says on the tin. Raspberry Pi Sound Cards and Audio Accessories.Raspberry Pi Shield and Industrial Products.